"It is not happy people who are thankful, but thankful people who are happy"
The act of practicing gratitude or what you are thankful for, is scientifically proven to make us happier.
Simply put, positive thoughts equate to positive feelings, which improves our mood and quality of life.
The power of positivity can have a profound impact on our mental and even physical health!
If you've been following my blog or instagram account, you know that I hardwire my happiness by practicing gratitude and being thankful on a daily basis. As insignificant as it sounds, my shift of thinking truly has made me a happier and healthier person. (My IBS, while still severe, is no where near as awful as it was when I was in college, could my attitude adjustment be the reason? Maybe!)
So how can you reap these benefits of being thankful or grateful? By doing it on a daily basis!
What you choose to be grateful/thankful for can be big things, little things, or things that may only matter to you. What matters is you focus on being thankful for the said person, place, thing or idea.
- Every morning when you wake up, start your day with a thankful thought
- Every night before you go to sleep, end your day with something you are thankful for
- Share a thankful thought at dinner with the family or have a silent moment before meals for everyone at the table
Promoting the positive vibes while getting into the holiday spirit!
Make Your Own Thankful Jar!
Talk about warm and fuzzy feelings before feasting, I cannot wait, I am such a mush!
- Instagram - tag me @eatsandexercisebyamber and use the hashtag #thankfuljar
- Facebook - post it to my wall
I cannot wait to see your Thankful Creations, but more importantly, to pass on the positive vibes!
- Do you practice gratitude/being thankful on a daily basis?
- Leave a comment with one thing you are thankful for!