I am a firm believer in the fact that in order to be healthy, you must at first be happy, and that stems from self love. If you do not completely love yourself, you will never be satisfied with yourself or your life, no matter what success you achieve or size you are.
So, in the month of February, where most are celebrating their love of others, I want you to love yourself more or start your journey to self love.
It won't be easy, and some days will be harder than others to love yourself, BUT I promise it will be worth it. I can honestly say, good or bad IBS day, I can look in the mirror and be more than happy with what I see, but with who I am as well. I love myself whole heartedly, whether I go to the gym or not, eat a cupcake instead of quinoa, am passed up for the job by a better qualified candidate, or make a mistake and leave my grocery list at home, I still love myself. Ten pounds or ten months from now, I know I will still feel the same because self love is a product of continuous effort. It requires on going work, just like embracing my IBS, hardwiring happiness and practicing being positive. It is work, but it is worth it.
For me, the process didn't happen overnight. It took months to move my focus from beyond the mirror and just my body but to me as an entire person to love. A body, a brain, and a heart. In shifting my mindset, I was able to learn to love all of myself, regardless of what my reflection showed.
Self Love cannot be found. It cannot be made with muscle gains or dieting down to become a certain size. Rather, it is created from inside of ourselves and radiates outward. It starts with embracing our bodies as they are, cellulite, stretch marks, moles and all and eliminating the negative self-talk about certain parts we wish we could change. We all have flaws, but it is how we perceive them that makes a difference. I can be sad over my stretch marks or I can shrug them off. I could throw a pity party every time I'm bloated, or put on a flowy top and call it a day.
There is no body bashing in self love, only body loving.
I want to help YOU love yourself and your body, so you can be happy.
So you can smile when your picture is being taken and look in the mirror with love.
Join me in a self love movement this month, and for every month for the rest of your life.
Show Yourself Self Love EVERY Single Day
1. Say something positive about yourself or your body
Self love extends beyond our outward appearance.
2. Focus on what you love/like about yourself, and extend that focus beyond the mirror
Shift away negative thoughts, by only focusing on what you love. Frizzy hair you hate? Focus on
the fact that you can tame it into a wicked cool French Braid. Scrawny arms? Remind yourself that
although they look small, they can carry an entire load of groceries in one trip!
3. Be thankful for the body that you have, and appreciate all it does for you.
Instead of criticizing, compliment and thank your body for all the wondrous things it does. Stomach
bloated? Savor the taste of the delicious home cook Italian meal you may have overstuff yourself
with last night that is the culprit behind the bloat and be grateful for the fact that you can even
enjoy food like that.
4. Treat yourself.
Everyone's definition of treat will be different, maybe it's a square of dark chocolate, painting your
nails, a glass of wine, a DVRed reality TV show, make it a point to have a "treat" even if it's only 30
seconds, each day as something nice for yourself. Self Care is Second to Self Love
5. Do what makes YOU feel good. Do what makes YOU happy. Wear what makes YOU feel best.
Your actions should reflect what makes YOU happy, and your clothes should make YOU feel beautiful.
Just because it's more popular to wear jeans, ditch them for a skirt or leggings if that's what makes
you feel your best!
Love Your Body
Love Yourself
Love your Life
- What do you LOVE about yourself?
- What don't you LOVE but have maybe learned to like?
- Share your self love thoughts and experiences <3