All jokes aside, as most of you know who follow my blog, my Irritable Bowel Syndrome is quite severe. What I put into my mouth has a direct effect on my intestines, so I pretty much have been living off of mainly chicken breast, with the occasional fish and ground turkey mixed in over the last few years. Any fattier cuts of meat are not my friend, and I am often VERY leery to try new things, for this reason, UNTIL NOW.
One of my goals for 2014 was to try new things and not be so afraid with food and my IBS. After all, I AM in control of my life, not my intestines. And while I worked on that with new recipes and going out to eat, I still stuck to my "safe" meats, so as 2015 approached, I KNEW I wanted to take it a step further and try NEW meats or fish that would still be lean enough for me to eat and not become sick. WELCOME TO MY WORLD PORK, I LOVE YOU AS A ROAST AND A TENDERLOIN SO FAR but am looking forward to trying a few of the other leaner cuts of pork as well!
Now, I didn't just go willy nilly at the grocery store and buy what was on sale or "looked good", I did my research. Knowledge is power, I spoke to the Meat Manager MULTIPLE times and consulted with my relative who is a butcher before making my purchase. I also probably fondled all the pork packages in the store to make sure I was getting the most for my money. In addition to asking more questions than the average consumer at the store, I also read the nutrition section of the Pork, Be Inspired website. Which got me even MORE excited, and is part of the reason for this post. I was SO uneducated about Pork being a lean cut of meat, I want to share this knowledge with the WORLD, well, it probably won't reach world news, BUT if I can help educate others who are limited with their eating options for digestive disorder or other health condition reasons, then this porked up post was worth it
"Pork truly is The Other White Meat®! According to a recent analysis by the US Department of Agriculture, pork tenderloin contains the same amount of fat and slightly less calories than the same serving of skinless chicken breast. What’s more, the same analysis found there are six cuts of pork that are considered either extra lean or lean by labeling standards. "
A digestive disorder that effects what you can and cannot eat does NOT have to be life of limitation.
Do your research, educate yourself, but most importantly don't be afraid to try new foods!
You simply will not know the outcome until you try. Yes, I have tried new foods and paid the price of suffering due to my irrate intestines, but I have also tried new foods, like pork and have been pleasantly surprised. I know that trying new things can be scary, and nobody likes when what you eat makes you ill, BUT, it's worth the risk if in all this trial and error, you can add some new foods to a list that already, at times, can seem limiting.
As always, do what works best for your body and take baby steps, or should I say baby bites :)