As I sit here and type this post, I cannot help but become overwhelmed with gratitude as I think about how far I have truly come in the last year. A smile spreads across my face at all the changes I have made to better myself as a whole person, body and mind. I still have IBS, but I am at peace with my disease. I have irate intestines, period. It is a part of me I simply cannot change, so I have decided to embrace it, and at times, even poke a little fun, because what's not funny about the fact that I had to: stop driving to my destination, frantically speed to get off the next exit, PAY a toll and beg the hotel lady to just let me use the bathroom. Yes, I could get upset over things like this, but instead, I laughed, and Im laughing as I type this because I just told the entire internet about my poop problem. Yep, I just used the word poop on my blog, HERE I AM, EMBRACING MY IBS, take it or leave it, because it's a part of me I won't let bring me down any more. I could either succumb to my symptoms or overcome my symptoms, and I am choosing the latter. And as for my Celiac, I don't let it seclude me, I instead have become the ultimate B.Y.O.F. advocate, and could care less what others think about my constant pink cooler in tow.
This is the happiest, healthiest, and most positive I have ever felt and I only see myself continuing moving forward in this uplifting direction

I am happy
I am confident
I am beautiful
I may not have the biggest muscles or tightest stomach BUT
I am confident and happy with myself, my choices, and my body.
I LIVE my life. I enjoy delicious food (that is usually healthy, but sometimes not), and skip the gym if life happens because THAT'S what a healthy lifestyle is all about, balance. Finding what works best for you and falling in love with your whole self in the process. I have finally found my balance. And as for you, all of you incredible followers who are taking the time to read this right now: Thank You, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am beyond grateful for ALL of you, your comments and your emails mean the world to me, especially when you let me know that I've helped you in someway or another. Those words make my heart swell with happiness. I cannot express enough how blessed I feel to have made such wonderful connections and relationships through my blog, as well as opportunities it has created for me. |
More than just Eats and Exercise

My mom and dad are literally my entire world. They are my best friends, my biggest support system, and I honestly do not know how I could have survived college, let alone life, without their undying love and their constant believing in me. Even while I was eight hours away, they always found ways to make me feel close to home, even making sure to visit me once a year. That's right, I went away to college eight hours away, and even as a graduate student, I'm still just as far away from my family. Despite the distance between us, it has made us closer than ever and I am so thankful for technology that keeps us close. I text and talk to both of my parents on a daily basis, sometimes even multiple times a day. Yep, you read that right, I am twenty three years old and still talk to my parents every day and I'm not embarrased to admit it. They're also my biggest fans of the blog, promoting it to anyone they meet, I consider myself beyond lucky, and relish over the fact that my parents are pretty awesome.

- Do you have any special "anniversaries" coming up?
- If you're a blogger, has your blog been a form of therapy for you as well?
- Did any of the snippets I shared surprise you?
- Any Comments/Questions/Remarks about anything I've shared?