I need to be honest with you, all of my readers, to show you my struggles and hope that you can relate, and learn from my mistakes.
I have not been very balanced lately.
I am just now realizing how detrimental it has been on my health and well being. I have not felt like myself for the past few weeks. This has been my toughest semester yet of graduate school, the workload left me feeling as if I was drowning in assignments, struggling to stay on top of things. I wasn’t even subbing I felt so overwhelmed; instead I was doing shifts of lesson planning, paper writing, and researching. I would only get up from my desk to eat, shower, go to the gym, and go to class. Add into the mix the hassle of what occurs after a minor car accident, (I’m okay!) and some serious IBS issues, (which I can say is probably from all the stress), and my life seemed pretty dismal.
Despite trying to be positive and move forward, I was stuck in a perpetual state of stress and unhappiness UNTIL YESTERDAY. Yesterday, I woke up determined to get out of the funk I was in once and for all. I realized that my unhappiness stemmed from a lack of balance. Even though I was eating right, drinking water, getting enough sleep and working out I still felt awful. I worked myself too hard mentally and physically and it took a toll on me. My appetite was lacking, my workouts had lost their appeal, and I couldn’t shake this feeling of not being my usual self. WHY? Because I was simply “going through the motions” of life. I let each day blend into the next until all of the sudden it was March and everything had become a blur.
And then I had my “aha” moment. I realized:
I am NOT a machine, but a human being.
I need to take care of myself as a whole person, not just the bare minimum to function.
I need rest and time to relax.
I need days off from the gym.
I need time to practice gratitude and smile.
I need to get out more
I need to do more than simply wake up and check off items on my to do list.
I need MUST treat each day as the gift and wonderful opportunity that it truly is
As I sat at my desk, the sun streamed in through my blinds into my apartment.
I closed my eyes and inhaled.
Now, for those of you who don’t know me personally, let me share a few a things that factor into why what I did next, was so out of the ordinary for myself:
I HATE being cold. I avoid it at all costs, and complain if I am subjected to being outside (Blame it on my poor circulation and inability to warm up)
I am NOT spontaneous in the least bit
I don’t just GET UP and GO – I am a planner and scheduler

I made my way to the playground, climbed to the top and in my own little shelter from the wind; I sat and read my book. It was one that my mom had bought for me, for when times were tough and I needed inspiration. Full of quotes, I stumbled upon on this one. And it couldn’t have been more fitting.

I returned to my car, over an hour later, my fingers were cold and my face was a bit numb, but I didn’t mind. I literally could not have been any happier in that moment, and that happiness is something that I have held onto, and I feel it even as I write this post.
I share this with you to remind you, that a healthy mind is just as important, if not even more, than a healthy body. Don’t become so over focused on “getting things done” that you forget to live each day.
Rest – your body needs it, even if you don’t think it does
(there is such thing as too much working out, I learned this the hard way now)
Relax – take a break from work, even if you’re not finished
Show yourself love by giving yourself time to just be
Unplug from your work/school
Do something for yourself, just because
Spend time with people who make you happy
And most importantly, don’t forget to smile
Stay Happy & Healthy,
Love always,