2-4 Bell Peppers (more, less, whatever colors are your favorite)
I am warning you, THIS method requires extensive babysitting in the kitchen, since using the broiler chars the peppers MUCH faster than baking them would! Be prepared to hang out close by or in the kitchen!
1. Line a pan with aluminum foil
2. Turn your broiler on High, make sure there's 5-8 inches of space between your broiler and where the peppers will be placed, if the peppers are too close, they will char before they've gotten a chance to cook
3. Plop peppers onto the pan (keep them whole)
4. EVERY FIVE MINUTES, turn the peppers, to evenly roast each side, for a total of 20-25 minutes
(this means about four to five rotations of five minute intervals)
At this point, if your peppers are black, NO WORRIES! You're going to peel them anyway!
Now comes the fun and messy part, seeding and peeling!
1. Let peppers cool a bit, otherwise you WILL burn your hands while trying to peel and seed!
2. Slice the pepper from top to bottom (vertically) and lay the pepper open. It should be in one strip
3. Pull the stem off, it should come off pretty easily, and along with it, a clump of the seeds.
4. Wipe away an extra seeds that are still hanging out inside your pepper
5. Flip the pepper over and peel off the skin, it should come off with little effort. If you like the charred taste, leave some bits of skin on!
6. Slice the peppers into thin strips
7. Place on a plate, with a paper towel down to absorb some of the liquid
8. Serve as a side to your meal, or place on top of your just prepared dish!

- DO NOT LEAVE THE KITCHEN DURING THIS PROCESS, unless you'll be back in under five
minutes of you WILL burn the peppers and make your smoke alarm sing
- Store peppers in an air-tight container
- Use as a topping for salads, tacos, steak, chicken
- Keep the pepper in one long strip and ROLL your meat up with the roasted pepper!
- What's your favorite grilled/roasted veggie?
- Red, Orange, Yellow, or Green Peppers?
- Raw, Roasted, or Sauteed for Peppers?