"Opportunities multiply as they are seized"
-- Sun Tzu
When I received a submission from my question/comments section this week in my inbox, my jaw dropped a bit at who was contacting me. Somehow the team over at Cat Smiley, Canada's Leading Body Transformation Specialist, viewed my blog, liked my recipes and wanted ME to submit a Recipe for Cat's website! I typed back a YES response as fast as I possibly could, and immediately set to brainstorming a Planet Friendly Recipe! You can scope the recipe out here!
As for Cat, she's pretty incredible. While I may have not gotten the chance to meet her directly or even speak with her, I am still honored to be featured on the website of a woman whose helped over 12,000 clients transform their bodies! Below, is a beautiful photo of Cat, with some sweet links to scope out!

Cat is a renowned fitness personality and has been named Canada’s top trainer three times by the International Sports Science Association. She is the owner of Canada’s leading fitness vacations for women, located in Whistler, B.C. She is author of The Planet Friendly Diet, to follow her program at home.
- Have any exciting opportunities popped up for you lately?
- Do you have a favorite Vegetarian/Vegan Recipe?