So, in my attempt to keep things as fresh as possible or make sure I make the most out of anything I cut, cook, or prepare, I am constantly using saran wrap, aluminum foil, or plastic baggies to save things in my fridge or store it in my Isobag when I am on the go.
My food may stay fresh, but I feel as if I'm wasting money on constantly buying these products, that I know aren't so great for the environment...the impact may not effect my environment now, but as an educator, I'm constantly thinking of our world's future for generations to come..okay, got a bit side tracked, BACK TO THE FOOD ASPECT. Plus, saran wrap tends to leak for me, and aluminum foil falls off easily, so the seal is never tight enough to keep your food as fresh as possible, which leads to waste. Did you know, the average American Household THROWS AWAY 30% of the groceries they buy?
If you love your food, give it a hug, with food huggers! Clever and cute reusable silicone food savers that keeps your food fresh, saves you money and come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
As a Meal Prepper - I was eager to receive my shipment, not only to keep my cut up veggies fresh, but more importantly to save any canned good items I used to flavor my meals through out the week.
Diced tomatoes, chicken broth, and plain greek yogurt are constantly teetering at the top shelf of my fridge, just waiting to spill with their flimsy aluminum foil lid.
Food Huggers allowed me to simply slip the cover over the can or container and voila - food stays fresh and spill proof! PLUS it's easy clean up because they are dishwasher safe - lazy preppers rejoice!

I personally loved being able to use the "tomato" sized hugger to keep my mini container of greek yogurt fresh for my chicken salad this week and the "banana" saver as a top to my tomato puree can.
Interested in other keep fresh items, check out their product page for bowl huggers, spice savers, and a variety of colors to pink from!
Food Huggers was kind enough to send me an avocado saver as well. There are two sizes to make sure you can save avocados both big and small, and it comes with a pit pocket that can easily be pushed out or in, dependent on whether or not the half you are saving has a pit. Since avocados are high fodmap, I typically only enjoy them once in a while, and haven't eaten one since my shipment but trust that this product will work as awesome as it appears in the video.
- How would YOU currently store left over produce and other products?
- How would YOU use food huggers?
- Get creative - what's ANOTHER use for a food hugger you can think of?