I don't even like coffee flavored OR berry flavored ice cream, but the creamy consistency of Coconut Bliss had me voraciously licking every last drop in my sample cup of Cappuccino and Luna Berry Swirl.
My love for Luna and Larry's Coconut Bliss product extended beyond the taste but also for how their company started and the feel good vibes their company emits, not only through their choice of ingredients and product design but their actual customer service as well. I was thrilled when I received two free coupons in the mail from Elizabeth, from Marketing and Communications so I could sample more of their product and do a review.
The feel good AFTER eating part is the best for me. You see, even though a product can be gluten free and dairy free, it doesn't mean my irate intestines are going to like it. I have trouble digesting high fat content foods, so goodies, although "safe" for me to eat, often cause issues for me afterwards.
Here's what makes Luna & Larry's Coconut Bliss different than other Non-Dairy & Gluten Free Icecream:
While its natural richness creates the creamy texture that people love, the fat in coconut milk is very different from other fats. High in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) identical to those in human breast milk, coconut milk has similar germ fighting and heart-protective properties.
"Unlike other fats, MCTs do not need to be broken down and can be used immediately by the body as energy; it's the ideal fat for people who commonly have trouble digesting fat, such as those with a slow metabolism, colitis, and hypothyroidism. Coconut fat actually stimulates metabolism."
For those of you who don't care/need to worry about these things, this icecream is still for you, because of its sheer deliciousness. Straight up, the BEST non-dairy icecream I have EVER had, so rich and creamy and full of flavor!

Rich and creamy, the consistency and intense chocolate flavor of this icecream is spot on, I may have eaten half the pint after this photograph was taken at 8am this morning....
Chocolate lovers this is for you!

A creamy chocolate base with hazelnut chunks through out, and semi-hidden swirls of fudge. (clearly the swirls are very hidden in this photo, and through out my whole pint)
Reccommended for those of you who like your icecream sundae style, this comes with your toppings already included in the pint!
I am usually not a fan of nuts in my icecream, but there was a perfect balance of nuts in each spoonful
- What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
- Lactose/Dairy Free? What's your go to alternative?