What WILL keep a case of the hangries away and fuel my body so I can be the best version of me possible? Nutrient Dense Foods! Now, I know carrying kale and chicken in your purse isn't ideal, so most people reach for a protein bar. The problem with that is the laundry-list of ingredients that really aren't all that great for you. I mean, if I can barely pronounce it, I don't want to put it in my body...so I present to you:

A company birthed from the brand's philosophy:
In order to DO as many rounds as possible, the company wanted to create a bar that could provide high-intensity athletes with nutrient-dense fuel.
(I know I'm not a high-intensity athlete, BUT these bars are not ONLY for those who eat burpees for breakfast! Read on to find out why they may fit with your fitness and nutrition needs)
AMRAP bars are "packed with complete natural proteins and amino acids to repair your muscles. Most importantly, all these bars contain the optimal fat to carb ratio that increases lean mass and energy and is the crucial component for overall health and body composition."
Now, for those of you with dietary restrictions, Celiac Disease, issues with gluten and dairy, have no fear AMRAP Bars are:
- 100% Paleo
- GMO Free
- Gluten Free
- Dairy Free
- Preservative Free
- Clear of Artificial Sweeteners
- Almond Honey
- Cashew Vanilla
- Fig Cacao
These flavors weren't just created to be delicious, but rather, the combination of ingredients serve a purpose! Now, I LOVE reading about the research/facts behind a product and WHY it's going to help fuel my body, so I'm providing AMRAP's description of each bar below along with my taste test:
FAVORITE FLAVOR for its chew texture filled with flavor
Sweetened with honey and a nice almond taste with a hint of cinnamon
The Cashew Vanilla Bar has egg whites that are packed with protein to increase muscle mass while cashews and coconut work together to help to maximize energy, aid in muscle synthesis, and provide you with macronutrients.
This bar smelled like summer to me, and I enjoyed the soft consistency. The vanilla flavor wasn't overpowering or overly sweet, just a hint mixed with the cashew flavor.
The Fig and Cacao bar promotes cardiovascular health and has high fiber content, and is rich in phyto-nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins. Dates and cocao also work together to remove free radicals and reduce inflammation.
This bar had a different consistency than the others, it was more dense, and sticky from the figs and dates. This bar is not sweet, it is more on the bitter side due to the Cacao Nibs.
Each bar contains less than ten ingredients! And all ingredients support the overall brand's goal to provide "Clean fuel for your lifestyle!"
So whether you are a Cross-Fitter, Lifter, Biker, Runner, Skier, Hiker, or WHATEVER type of activity you do to get your sweat on, feed your body with fuel that is clean! You wouldn't put garbage gasoline in your car, so why would you put garbage in your body?
Ditch your dirty bars and fuel your body right!